The Personal Health Investment Today Act (PHIT) passed the House of Representatives for the first time in 2018 and was reintroduced in the House (H.R.1679) and Senate (S.680) in March 2019.
Senate Bill 680
House Bill 1679
PHIT will allow Americans to use flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) to pay for health club memberships, fitness equipment, exercise videos, and youth sports leagues. Currently, the IRS code only allows these accounts to be used for medical expenses like prescription medications and doctor visits. If passed, it will allow individuals to use up to $1,000 per year to cover these expenses and families to use up to $2,000 per year.
This act aim to make the healthy choice the easiest choice for family and individuals by amending the IRS definition of a medical expense to include exercise-based preventative expenses.
Qualified Activities Under The Act
Youth & Adult Sports League Fees
Health Club Membership Dues
Exercise Classes & Personal Trainers
Sports & Fitness Equipment (used exclusively for participation in physical activities)
Youth Camps
Pay-to-Play School Sports Fees
Organized Running Event Registration Fees
Martial Arts, Gymnastics & other Physical Activities
How You Can Help Pass The PHIT Act
Call your U.S. Congressperson - House of Representatives (202)-225-3121; Senate (202) 224-3121
Email your U.S. Congressperson. IHRSA, the organization spearheading this movement has made it easy to email your legislators with a pre-filled form at ihrsa.org/send-a-phit-letter
Want More Information?
Let's work together to help Americans save 20-30% on yearly physical activity expenses. #PassPHIT